In the Raleigh, NC area? Contact us today for surveying services.

Land Surveying Services

Providing quality, professional work with a quick turnaround and reasonable rates.

Surveying Equipment

Construction Staking

Boundaries, erosion, topo’s, grade staking, structures & utilities, buildings, trails, sidewalks, curbs, pavement, and final as-builts.

3D Modeling Example

3D Modeling

3D models for Topcon, Leica, and Trimble, including: surface finish grade, mass grading, erosion controls, and pipe networks.

Surveying Equipment

GPS Control Files

Increase efficiency and productivity by utilizing GPS Control files. Our team spends less hours on site and saves you money.

Drono Topo Example

Drone Topo's

Drone topo services include CAD and photo deliverables plus an online cloud platform for further analysis of the construction site.

Contact Us Today About Your Surveying Projects

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